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Year 4


Jammy Ahmed

Teaching Team


Lauren Blackie

Welcome to Year 4

Year 4 is an exciting year which looks to develop the children’s independence as they continue their learning journey in Key Stage 2.

At Brindishe Schools, we have developed a curriculum overview for each year group which details the focus for each subject in each half term. Please click on the Year 4 curriculum overview below to find out more:



Reading remains key; we are a reading school and know that reading for pleasure can be directly linked to children's success throughout their time at school and even into adulthood. In Year 4 the children will continue to build their comprehension skills across a broad range of texts and genres as they become increasingly fluent readers. You can find out more about supporting your child’s reading at Key Stage 2 by clicking on the link below.

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In Year 4 the children will continue to develop their planning and drafting skills when writing both fiction and non-fiction. They will focus on writing for effectively different purposes as well considering grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, spelling and handwriting. There are statutory spelling lists for children in Year 3 and Year 4 which you can find below.

Spelling Word Lists for Years 1 - 6


In Year 4 our children develop their understanding of mental and written methods and begin to explore negative and decimal numbers as well as some Roman numerals. They wuill explore different units of measurement and how to convert between them. They will know their times tables up to 12 x 12. In June, the children will take the multiplication tables check (MTC) which is statutory for all year 4 children in England. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether children can recall their times tables fluently and will help schools to identify which children have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. There is an information leaflet for parents that has been produced by the Department for Education with further information below.

DfE Multiplication Times Check Leaflet for parents/carers